Pari Livermore
Minnie Cannon Scholarship Program
“Our fundraising has made going to college a reality for students.”
Pari Livermore and her late husband Putnam with a Minnie Cannon student in the village of Middletown.
Photo courtesy of Pari Livermore
Pari is also committed to a wide range of volunteer projects. One of her favorites is a college scholarship program for the children of Minnie Cannon Elementary School in Middletown, California. Established in 2011, her program has already awarded 28 scholarships, with the goal of 40 to be given out by 2022.
Scholarship funds for the Minnie Cannon Project are raised primarily through Pari’s matchmaking efforts, with additional generous funding personally provided by Pari and her late husband Putnam Livermore.
In addition to scholarships, the couple also provide other gifts for Minnie Cannon, some of them hands-on. For example, Pari helped plant more than 30,000 daffodils, digging alongside the students to create a wealth of yellow blossoms. She hosts a variety of social events for them, and has created academic enrichment opportunities by establishing SAT tutoring and mentoring programs.
Over the last eight years, Pari raised funds for other special projects at Minnie Cannon School which include safe new playground equipment; music, poetry and film classes; and regular visits from professional storytellers. She also has provided brass band instruments and spear headed and sponsored the boys basketball team for the Minnie Cannon School.
Want to volunteer with Pari? Her contact information can be found here.
Pari Livermore talks about her fundraising work.
Who’s next?
We are looking for wonderful people who use “Head, Hands and Heart” including Volunteer Hours, Creative Accomplishments and/or Financial Contributions. Please submit the form below and be sure to include your phone number so we can follow up with a call! Thank you! And thank you for either nominating yourself or others. Together we can make great contributions to education!