Sister Christina
St. Francis Center – The Holy School
“Education is key to me, once given it cannot be taken away.”
Sister Christina Heltsley, with three children at the Holy School Program.
Photo courtesy of Tess Weber
Prior to joining St. Francis Center, Sr. Christina had a wide range of experience in the school system. Not only has she taught all grades from K through 12, she has also been a school Principal (primarily in inner-city schools), as well as a Superintendent of Catholic schools.
In terms of her own education, Sister Christina received a BS in Elementary Education from Edgewood College in Wisconsin. She went on to hold two masters degrees: an MA in Educational Technology from the University of San Francisco and an MA in Administration and Supervision from the University of Dayton. She earned a doctoral degree in Administration and Leadership from the University of San Francisco. In addition, Sr. Christina was honored as Redwood City’s “Citizen of the Year” in 2009 and inducted into San Mateo County’s “Women’s Hall of Fame” in 2015.
There’s an integral part of the St. Francis Center aimed at children from impoverished families, that’s particularly dear to Sr. Christina’s heart. Founded by the sister, it’s called The Holy School. Every year, approximately 30 children attend Kindergarten through 8th grade programs. The Holy School makes a nine-year commitment to each of those 30 students to get them prepared for middle school and then high school. It also requires each child’s parents to attend The Holy School for seven hours one day a week, to boost literacy rates for the whole family.
The Holy School has been very successful, not only by educating the children but also by helping their parents. In service now for more than 17 years, the school has helped hundreds of children and families.
“Education is key to me. Once given, it cannot be taken away,” says Sister Christina. The school welcomes donations, which are the backbone of how its programs are maintained for the Redwood City community.
If you are interested in helping the St. Francis Center and the Holy School please see its web site.
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